WNY Event 3 - ECCN 5/21

im there

well i woke up on time but i’m still drunk… I’m not going to show up like this… I’ll show later and help run the truck.

sorry Bret no CRUNK!!!

Here’s a video from yesterday. I am working on my movie skillz, so don’t hold it against me yet.


:tup: Nice
I like the shot of your footwork. What did you use to edit the video?

Windows Movie Maker - and that’s kinda why it wasn’t any better. That program is really hard to use when you want precise cuts and transitions between multiple clips.

looks good Jim. too bad the camera wouldn’t really zoom in to see a better fly by :slight_smile: maybe next time I will tape it from the side of the truck to get a little closer!

This is a weird question, I’m trying to figure out who somebody is:

When I was lining up, one of the guys working the scanners said something to me about a project I did for school and how he knew one of my friends who opened up a Rivas.

I wanted to talk to you more but didn’t have time. Who are you?

Scan monkeys:
Andy Walker
Pete O’Conner
Rick and Ron Goetz

Give them a big round of applause ladies and gentlemen. Through good weather and bad, they are out there helping make sure that we get 6+ runs in per event.


I know who Andy is, it wasn’t him.

Any word on pictures from the event?

I was just looking for pics, but didn’t find any. I don’t know if anyone took pics because of the weather.

I saw a guy snapping quite a few shots. Not sure if it was the same guy that took all the great pictures at the first two events though.

With the big lensed camera? That was Wayne from Buffaloscooby. I’ll ask if he’s got them.

Yep, that’s the one. Thanks.

Werd, you forgot to mention that we get this brutalizing job done under our nice cozy tent and chairs and blankets with coffee on hand. And now there is a nice laptop on hand as well. :slight_smile: you course workers got it too good :wink:

JayS - Wayne was only there for 5 minutes before it started to rain, he didn’t want to get his camera wet. I don’t think he took too many pictures.


Lil’ something I threw together on Wed.