there was a bunch in doors as well…there was a large crew coming in from MA that wont be in until late due to mechanical problems etc. it was not as big as they were hoping. I dont think people realized it was open to anything…not just mustangs. Its also tomorrow too…there was a ton going on today…
in and out…maybe around 60…7 of which were 1 persons…(amazing btw)
i think with sooo much going on today all over…people were just too busy to come. its still going until 11pm tonight, and i know a bunch of out of towners were on their way…so tonight and tomorrow should be better.
i mean…$5 to get in, and get first beer free, plus live music etc…im SHOCKED this place wasnt flooded.
not to many shows to compete with…I know last thing i was going to do was dedicate a weekend to a show lol…two days is a long time…I hope they do better Sunday. I was watching this show, with what they offered I thought it could have been big.
The air show you should be able to see from where the cars are at…The Fair I go when it rains during teh week lol…I seen that to many times. Anything special at the show, other then Jims mustangs?
bikini contest and tons of bands playing etc…and where we were was a great spot to watch the airshow…we had several fly overs which were cool…
dont forget nastalia weekend was/is going on too…just a tough date to do this kinda thing.
anybetter today…interested in the results…was going to attend today but did not know if there was a problem missing the first and going to the second day…