One of my best friends lives on that street.
This house was listed initially at $3.65m at the tippity top of the bubble but just sold for almost half that at $1.9m.
One of my best friends lives on that street.
This house was listed initially at $3.65m at the tippity top of the bubble but just sold for almost half that at $1.9m.
i got tree fiddy if they’re interested
that’s florida.
also $750 HOA/month and $500 insurance/month on that
$1m price cut in Texas. Nice garage
Price cut definitely a gimmick to draw in viral levels of clicks/interest. Wonder what the final selling price will actually be. Guarantee it will be way more than $599k.
it’d be something if there are no offers
is there any way to tell or find out?
sold for 750 in 2018
the crazy thing is I pay more in property taxes on my 1200 sq ft house in sloan lmao
edit - 2014 has taxes at 14k but 2023 6800?
Depends if it’s your primary residence, was probably a second home
This is the home I’m trimming right now. I honestly don’t know how people can afford these homes. This is not one of the larger more lavish homes in this neighborhood.
Most people just live with a significant amount of debt, and it’s usually not the good kind.
Dude working in my office only a couple years older than me just bought an 800k house, I know for a fact he is tight on money.
someone who actually has money usually dresses like this. I like to wear my spongbob hoodie most of the time I go out
20% of people have zero in their retirement savings at the time of retirement
61% will not have enough to make it to the time they die
the median amount at the time of retirement is 87000
i think if you keep rolling your home equity up you can buy those things.
most of this is just inflation. So after the next dip there may well be another run up to zimbabwe or venezuela type numbers.
HA. I’ll be dead before I retire. Nice try, fiscal responsibility.
I cannot STAND those stupid fucking boots.
lmao I didn’t know they made them for men unless he’s just wearing women’s
Damn, 2600 sq/ft with only a 2 car garage for $800K, what the fuck. Plus the taxes in East Amherst, fuck that!!!
Another perspective:
There is a zero chance I’m paying off my 3.5% 30y fixed mortgage early in exchange for better sleep at night.
I would rather hold the 30 year short position on the dollar with a carry cost of 3.5%.
Don’t listen to Dave Ramsey or better sleep at night bros or trap mentality doomers that larp about freedom from debt.
We have zero debt right now other than our mortgage, and 3 high reward credit cards that are paid in full each month. I throw a little extra towards the mortgage each month but not anywhere near the amount extra I could for this very reason (except I’m at 2.75%). Ramsey is for simps with zero self control that don’t understand how to properly use credit.
a caveat though is that at the present time real estate prices are declining, not increasing.
certainly prior to rate increases it was better to own property but the right time to sell was in 2021. I sold my other property in 2022 and could buy it back for 15% less now and it is not likely to increase in value at all over the rest of the decade. On top of that there are maintenance and up keep costs.
smartest normal guys i know are light on real estate and heavy on stocks.
however, with rates now in decline there will be a time coming where going back into property will be a good idea.