WNYF-Body BBQ Cruise Video

From our BBQ 5/20/06 Elliot creek park. Good turn out. The weather cooperated with us for the afternoon cruise.


Credit to BaD AZz Z/28 slaving all night editing!

now THAT is a cruse video. huge props !

cool vid! :tup:

joelster was telling me about this at work this morning.

very nice

good vid

wish I would have attended now…looked like a kick ass time.

was a really fun time. Turned out alot better then i thought with the chance of rain yesterday. :tup:


lol @ choda

nice vid :tup:

The first 90 seconds was pretty cheesy. (mostly due to music choice)

good shit :tup:

Nothing like domestic muscle at Ellicot creek park.

mmmm nice vid :tup:

fun times indeed

mmmmm is right

pissed i missed it but for once being responsable > fun for me

good times were had by all. i’d also like to note that no mustangs were hurt in the making of this video. :lol:

good time…now if only i was able to participate…:banghead:

choad needs a bottle on that thing

awesome vid :tup: wish i could have made it out :frowning: