My aunt is selling her tanning bed. Its a Wolff bed, all bulbs are brand new,although will need new shocks. Asking $500 OBO.
Email for pictures.
My aunt is selling her tanning bed. Its a Wolff bed, all bulbs are brand new,although will need new shocks. Asking $500 OBO.
Email for pictures.
any pics ?
Probably similar to this one? J/K
FYI OP said to email him for pics in the 1st post.
It is a well known fact that Wolff tanning beds, that is tanning beds that use Wolff tanning bed bulbs, which were the earliest tanning bed lamps invented by Frederick Wolff, can assist individuals get a impressive tan just as if they were on a sunny exclusive beach.
You will discover that there are lots of separate models of tanning beds on the market. You will have to look into these different Wolff tanning beds very thoroughly in order to find one that is right for you. There is however a note of caution that you should keep in mind.
The first advantage can be seen in a few hours time as you slowly develop a perfect all over tan. The next benefit is the capacity to have an all over body tan, without risking the contravention of local nudity laws or personal embarrassment. And the last benefit is that of not needing to agonize about rain or other weather problems from spoiling your tanning session. However, before you jump up to pay money for one of those Wolff tanning beds, it is best if you read some reviews on behalf of the different makes. I believe this was a great thing to consider before availing one.
sold last week, sorry for not updating