Another business opportunity for someone-Future Tanning store

Will be closing on another plaza in a few weeks and have a spot open that would be perfect for a tanning salon which the Island doesn’t have and needs one desperately.Perfect location right off the grand Island bridge(30 seconds and first and main exit to G.I.)and right next door to Timmy ho’s/Wendy’s and BK.
Approx 1800 sq ft and rent would be $950 INCLUDES heat.Would give 2 mos free rent to let you set up.This would be a 95% sure thing on G.I.
And before you ask,I don’t have time to do a tanning bed lol.

Would be a great idea for someone trying to get out of the 9-5 grind.

and into the 24/7 grind? lol thats what it would take to run your own business though.

lol tanning beds are not open 24hrs maybe 12.I can get you good HONEST employees for 8.50 an hr all day too if you want some time off.

no but the time involved in owning one would be a 24 hr job. anyways, you should check into getting into franchising it out to total tan/tanning bed. own the space and rent to the company to do their thing and collect on a portion of profit.

I’m just curious what business’s do you own? Please don’t discourage others when you have no idea what you are talking about.

Owning a business DOES NOT involve 24/7 of you’re time that only happens during the initial launch or during growth/remodeling. The first year or so I would however suggest being there during peak business hours.

You only need one maybe(pref really tan hot girls, you offer free tanning as a perk) two employees at the time, their sole job functions are to sell and clean.

How long are your leases usually?

The Total Tan or whatever it is call on Delaware in Tonawanda near the 290 is always packed, especially later at night. At least 10-14 cars in the lot at all times.

And if your single, then you got tons of hot chicks coming in to get that nice bikini tan. Just set up a webcam… perv… :slight_smile:

OMG the businesses are displaying ownership!!!


^^^are you drunk?

no? sober as can be

for those who dont get it… eh hem…


i was just wondering because the sentences in your quote didnt make sense. lol i understood what you were trying to accomplish, but it was a little unclear.

in case further explanation was needed.

BTW… good luck derek, i think you should just run one… think of all the little tight bodies and jailbait running around ;)… i think itd be worth it

it depends on the type of business you are running… the founder of tanning bed is not fully involved anymore with actual store running, just opening up new stores

im sure ralph wilson’s life is very hectic too with the bills seeing as hes the owner :bloated:

rob, you are retarded.

Wow this thread went all over the place lol.
Jack,I usually do a yr lease but would do 2yrs,5yrs or whatever you would want/needI know at least 10 peopel I’ve talked to in the last week that would go there as soon as you opened.Part because it’s on the Island and part to support my tenants.

After your initial start up fees you would have very little out of pocket other then rent and elec…I pay the rest so all you would pay is the help and cleaning supplies.even if your elec. was $1000/mo. which would seem pretty high even given the type of business,50 people a month would cover that(monthly plans @ $35) and I would think you would get that within the first week or two.
Remember Grand Island has alot of disposable income and plenty of people that have to look their best all the time.= profit.
Could also Sublet a room or two to someone who would do manicures,pedicures and or massages.

What about start up overhead for x amount of tanning beds and maintenance of said tanning beds(bulbs and such) Then you have to factor in luxury items that add to initial overhead like a showcase, stereo, and products that you stock. They beds look to be $2,500-$5,000 each. I think it is a great idea given there is not one on the island though.

My gf who lives on the island says that a ton of the highschool aged girls all go tanning A LOT, and if there was a decent tanning place on the island it would be a hot business.

^^^^^ much less the 30-50 crowd who want to pretend they are younger.
I bet it would cost you a good $20K to get it up and running right but I think you would make it back in less then a year