woman gets tasered in pittsburgh


What did she do to deserve that?

Protesting the war. I believe that was in Oakland.

nice butt

hahahaha @ :rofl: “fuck the pigs” chant

she wasn’t in handcuffs yet tho, and looked like she was struggling or resisting arrest…she probably deserved it! When in doubt, tase em! :bowrofl:

they shoulda beat her and the rest of them with mag lights. the big ones that hold 5 D batteries. They proved those fucks didn’t go about their protest in the correct legal manner, shit if those pricks made traffic any worse than it already is in oakland i would beat them down too.

the video starts with two cops on a girl that weighs about 100 lbs, lets see the rest of the video then start drawing conclusions… that being said

fuck the cops, half the cops you meet are out to get you. even cops admit that lots of cops have napoleon complexes. fuck the cops, but showing such a small part makes me think that they were hiding parts too.

exactly. i want to know what she did before i say anything.

naw, fuck the hippie protestors… the rest of us have jobs and better shit to do than go out and act like a bunch of rejects. did you take a look at some of those people? also, i’m sure an officer can tell you stories about 100lb crack heads that throw people around when they are all doped up. you can’t be too careful.

besides…fuck tha police just rolls off the tougue much nicer.

did you hear that fat bald cop is afraid for his life now?


all i know is police have their hands full with murders right now, and some people protesting a recruitment office is a crock of shit… the dicks were complaining that the recruiters were taking their friends…NEWS FLASH… its a fuckin choice. I have no a ounce of sympathy for those people that got the police beat down. they should wrote a ticket to everyone of those people for lottering.

she got owned, shouldve had a police dog rape her too :kekegay:

that bald cop lives like 3 blocks away from me lol he always yell at me in GN too slow down…i might get stunned now lol

if the gn is ever gone, the bald guy took and will be used for Undercover work.

he might give you the “SHOCKER”

he used to yell at me in suby too for loud system, he is a real jerk. thats why i do 40mph rolling burnouts past house lol

they should have all been beaten and tasered, every last one of them. If you protest the war, FINE, but support your troops.

agree 100%