woman gives birth, becomes quadrapalegic

stuff like that happens more often than i thought…

What ever happened to them saying, “Ma’am. We’re sorry, but you have a flesh-eating bacteria that if it goes untreated will eventually kill you. We are sorry, but we are going to have to amputate the infected limbs.” Not just, “Damn, look at this. Well, screw it. She’s out already…let’s just do it now. Give me the saw.”

I’d be in that hospital with a shotgun and pockets full of shells if that was my wife. Screw anesthesia. Saw theirs off with a 12 ga.

Yeah, but just saying.
She isn’t going to be able to work, so she’s going to need something besides the Govt’s compensation for those who are unable to work.

Just my opinion, no one in that family’s lives will ever be the same though.

do you think the media would give us the whole story anyway? i mean the trib told us that Grimm was gonna be the head coach and thats just football. theres got to be more to this story.

I’d Still hit it

She should write a letter and march it right down to the hospital!

i am already going to hell, i realize this!


There is definitely more to this story, hell the amputation occurred 12 days after she gave birth and occurred at a different hospital. She said she woke up from surgery without arms and legs? WTF, was she told something prior to surgery? Did she ask why she was being operated on or what they were going to do? I don’t think she was unconscious for those 12 days, unless I missed it somewhere.

Perhaps the doctor only spoke english and thus caused the problem. Looks like she had the kid, got an infection, sat around in the hospital while the infection progressed/was treated in some way, then finally underwent the amputations as a last resort treatment.

Her roommate probably had streptococcus, then passed it to her. If that’s how she got it, the hospital can’t tell her that her roommate had it because they would be in violation of HIPPA laws.

still what the fuck?

might be easier

Just down right wrong.:tool:

they should have taken her voice box to make it easier.

good call!

i asked my mom about this since she’s a nurse… she said sometimes the disease can take over someone within hours. she’s seen patients that this has happend to.
