woman gives birth, becomes quadrapalegic

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ORLANDO, Fla. – A Sanford mother says she will never be able to hold her newborn because an Orlando hospital performed a life-altering surgery and, she claims, the hospital refuses to explain why they left her as a multiple amputee.

The woman filed a complaint against Orlando Regional Healthcare Systems, she said, because they won’t tell her exactly what happened. The hospital maintains the woman wants to know information that would violate other patients’ rights.

Claudia Mejia gave birth eight and a half months ago at Orlando Regional South Seminole. She was transported to Orlando Regional Medical Center in Orlando where her arms and legs were amputated. She was told she had streptococcus, a flesh eating bacteria, and toxic shock syndrome, but no further explanation was given.

The hospital, in a letter, wrote that if she wanted to find out exactly what happened, she would have to sue them.

:nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts:

wow, why can’t they just tell her?

They can’t tell her because it was a mistake and they are trying to cover it.

Hospitals are horrible…

WOW! Thats some shit… How can they tell her that she has to SUE them to get information DIRECTLY PERTAINING to the rest of her life???
She was probably used as a lab rat and didn’t know it. Creepy!

i’d be pissed

that sucks bigtime.

go to deliver a child, end up with no arms or legs.

Yup,if i was her husband i would go to all the doctors n nurses that helped,cut off al of their arms n legs then proceed to their houses to do the same to their family members as well as house pets.

i think id be alittle angry


:eek2: :wtf:

I don’t even know what I would have done in that situation.

Imagine waking up to hold your new born child, excited because it’s the first time you’ll see it, then realizing oh shit, where did all my appendages go?

HUGE lawsuit coming with that one.

And people complain about stretch marks…

:rofl: I know its not right to laugh, but that quote right there made me laugh out loud.

That really sucks. What in the world could you possibly need all your arms and legs cut off for? I mean, okay, you have flesh eating bacteria, that’s great. Why would they not notify someone before they did it, or at least wake you up and tell you before they did it? That is really fukt up.

How did this flesh eating bacteria or virus, manage to JUST start eating her arms and legs, if it travels that fast and is that destructive how didn’t it get anywhere besides there? HOW did it even get into all 4? It just seems strange to me.

you can sue all you want but what the hell good is millions of dollars without arms and legs! maybe alanis morisette shoulda wrote this in “ironic” … what a weird story

Atleast with millions of dollars she could give that child the best life she can given the situation.

money buys you things, its can’t replace your mom taking care of you. retribution is the best compinsation.

Damn someone should have called Dr. House first…

I guess thats why when you go in for surgery they write yes and no on your body parts.

Wow, yet another case against socialized medecine. Also, a reason to avoid all non-essential medical appointments.

Wow. Florida loves to cut limps off :nuts:
remember years back the same state, cut off the wrong limbs before.
