Woman Says Hospital Told Her to Use Zoo MRI

because she it too big for the MRI at the hospital



I hope she has to pay for 2 seats when she flys too…

She doesn’t want to be embarassed, maybe she shouldn’t weigh 275lbs.

Hope I never need an MRI


I barely fit in the one at AGH. When I was being taken out the edge of the thing caught my shirt and pulled it up.

I’m a big dude, so I can only imagine how rotund that lady must be to be recommended to an elephant MRI.

I have a 40" waist @ 6’0 260lbs. That bitch has to be wider than she is tall.

A regular fireplug eh?

BS. two sides to every story. even worse the news is writing it.

Agreed. I was 5’10", 400lbs., with a 50" inch waist, never found a closed MRI that I didn’t fit in at that size. It was close, but I still fit. Now unlsee she 275 at 3’ tall, shes fitting.

fat ass

F U. unless your talking about her…

she is 5 foot, 275 lbs. thats alot of weight in a small package. remember, muscle weighs more than fat. so a lb of fat is physically more than muscle. be like comparing a ton of bricks to ton of feathers–both are a ton–but you will fill the room up w/ the feathers and maybe a corner w/ the bricks.

so fatty’s feeling were hurt because she cant get in the mri. maybe next time she orders fast food, she will think about that. sad thing is, she is probably some sort of trash welfare rat and we are payin for her to eat as well as to go to the hospital.

Hilljack . what happen neonracer start chasing you around faggette county?.
lost alot of weight. good job

heh, she brought it to the medias attention, now shes past embarassment phase and to the “LETS CALL EDGAR SYNDER AND SUE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM!!!” phase

MRI’s can handle up to 350, story is fake

didn’t really think about it that way.

No assjack, just decided I wasn’t ready to die just yet.


Wrong, Some tables can handle up to 400-450lbs but if you are too fucking round to fit in the hole, then you are shit out of luck. Trust me I have delt with people like this.

And not everyone has an open MRI. People in this area are spoiled because of the amount of hospitals and technology available in this area. We had to call the Pittsburgh Zoo last year for an instance like this to see if they could help. It’s a shame, but it happens.

faggette county ,shit! all of the tri state area. lol tom vito is the only 400 pound person i know who would start a fight with a 400 pound man for being too fat. lol he really is half the person he used to be. good job vito.