Women - good investment.

IIRC He’s single, so there :tong

best possible choice ever made.

until you have 2 broken arms and get a boner. then youd wish you had a girlfriend.

yeah, don’t have to waste money on a woman. :banana

:rofl :crackup :lmao

no such thing as money wasted on a woman, they are investments

truth! they leave, you get nothing out of it(unless she didnt sign a pre-nup and was loaded!)… just like modding a car, with a few exceptions, you put money in, sell it, you dont get that money back in most cases.

Oh boy.

Split and moved to battlefield, I’m going to be watching over this one :ninja

hey my girlfriend paid for the movies last night, and nachos, AND a huge slushie. So dont think that the man has to pay for everything

Well it helps that your particular g/f swings on your dick when you tell her and from what you say, she buys you mad shit. You got lucky

when i went to vegas recently all i paid for was the plane ticket, this girl im talking to that moved out there paid for a hotel in the middle of the strip for a week, and just about everything else out there… not a bad deal.

That’s cause she wears the pants in the relationship :ahh

she doesnt buy me anything, but i tell her that if she wants to see a movie and im wasting my time going out there to pick her up then she better be paying for it. I told her if i were to ever buy her an engagement ring that she has to buy me a fox body mustang and she said yes, might have to hold on to this one. Well atleast until i get the title into my name :mwahaha

Most women you will date, spend money on and break up one way or another, so in the end all the money you put into her turned into the relationship turned into poon and drama… I’ll stick to Wallstreet for investment.

it better be a notchback, or no deal

i just want a nice 5spd 5.0, i would prefer a notch but i’ll take what i can get

Notches are hot :nod

i saw a black notch, skinnies, with et streets out back, 4inch cowl hood, with a whiney blower, plate said blown50 on it… i was with nick in the S4… notch backs are so sick.

notch backs are definitely sick.

on the topic of women being an investment… I would considder a woman about as much of an investment as a nice dinner, once its done its done, but while you have it its good. not sure how much sense that makes but tit made sense to me

thats actually a really good analogy :nod