%100 agree with you. I avoid the blvd at all costs. People are starting to learn the N Bailey route which is pissing me off lately.
It’ll suck if people start going there by way of Maple to Bailey. If they go by way of Sheridan it’ll just be a little added traffic.
Oh and Paulo I didn’t mean that the neighborhood behind there was trashy, well except for all the G-sub housing, I just meant that plaza is right on a busy commercial street anyhow so it’s not like it’ll change much.
lol, it’s ok. I’m only renting a house there for school and it’s actually a really nice part of the neighborhood where I am. Quiet and very little traffic on Woodcrest. Most of my neighbors are actually really good, clean, people. But those apt complexes have their share of dickbags i’m sure.
Yeah it is nice back there. I put a bid on a house on Capen a couple of years ago.
I always thought Amherst was white trash anyway.
It should be a good fit there.:tup:
Off topic:
I went to the Transit/Willy Wallmart a while ago in search of an odd item.
Holy fuck what? Holy fuck there were strippers? Holy fuck you can buy food and tires and clothes at the same place so you’re never shopping anywhere else?
oh. lol.
It made the nfb location look like it was in the hollywood hills. The transit branch was in ruff, ruff shape and the people were from a different world. I would have thought that location, if any, was in somewhat nice shape.
And, I only go to Wallys if it’s odd hours or no one else has what I need.
Right near the wegmans on alberta, that should make the area even more of a clusterfuck.
Walmart is going to be the only game in town.
Ding ding ding!!!
We have a winner!!!
That is the Goal of WalMart, preditory pricing - shutting down every other business.
this is what i didn’t want. BLEH.
those are wally world’s direct competition. they put small businesses out of business.
I wish we could get a costco or whatever its called here.
I flat out refuse to shop there. I used to only shop there when nothing else was open, and people have bought stuff for me there. My keyboard works when it wants to and it came out of the box like that, and the mouse got hucked out the window a while ago. My 3-shade lamp has to be unplugged because 2 switches don’t work, and my new curtains have a crumbly backing that always ends up in my eyes when I touch them. All cheap Chinese garbage bought because I didn’t really have a choice in the matter. Wal Mart thrives because people want to go with the absolute cheapest option on everything, no matter what the costs, and they will continue to thrive until consumers change their buying habits and stop shopping there. I live walking distance from one and I haven’t been there in months.
So would you rather have a vacant Benderson owned plaza there for another 10 years?
the proposed wal-mart in NT will be less than a 2 minute walk from my house. and just about everyone in this neighborhood doesn’t shop at wal-mart
I was at the one on Transit last night at 11PM,thinking that nobody would be there…
Forgot that welfare recipients get checks or w/e around this time and they had 10+ people in each line and 5 checkouts were open.:picard:
Then I remembered why I stay away from Wal-Mart.:tup: