Woo Woo promotion time!


Went from operator to foreman today. Finally in control of shit. Welcome to the big leagues is all my new boss could tell me. Dunno if i should be scared or not but oh well its and extra 1500 a month!


Congrats…and remember always take care of your crew and they will take care of you.

Congrats. That’s a heck of a pay increase!

yeah with that extra 3-400 a week buy them some donuts every once in a while. :slight_smile:


Still with haliburton ?

that a big time fucking raise. don’t screw up!

No donuts here. Plus cash money is hard to come by.

I dont want to dirty my name with that company so I call it SEII… but yes still with same people

Wish it worked like that here. More people trying to screw you over than anywhere I have ever worked. But, I treat my people good.

sounds like where i work. the saying of the day, every day, is cya. cover your ass. and congrats



Will be home in a lil under 3 weeks anyone feel like a redbrick night

i dont know what the fuck redbrick is but it’s been too long since we’ve downed some brews. :blue:


yeah way way too long. last time we drank brews was 04

congrats dude… get money fuck bitches!