Wood Hood

From another forum… I just bursted out laughing when I saw this. Balsa Wood!


I guess the guy is a carpenter.

This guy is going to take “getting flamed” to a new level.

it actually states its wood, or wood like painted?

if wood, cant wait to see the pictures of this on fire/warped hood.

Thats kidn of cool i guess

shurre…ultra light weight? (balsa wood)

It has to have some kind of protective coating.

thats actually really cool.

i like it a lot

better than most of the shitty hoods I see out there.

s2000’s give me wood

How did he attach the hood hinges? Elmers glue?

i think a carbon fiber hood with a thin veneer of wood, stained and totally sealed would look pretty cool. :slight_smile:



hmm seems like a domestic thing not really a honda thing.

Better than the stupid rusted hood fad.

hardwood floors from front to back…

hardwood flooring inside the car would be kind of cool in a related topic.

easier to clean at least :gotme:

Looks better than most cosmetically modded Hondas. It at least looks like it fits right.

Is it real wood, or just shelf paper?

I wonder if there are any baby seal fur car parts?

I may be barking up the wrong tree here, but I wood have though he wood have started with the trunk first…

I see what you did there…

Yo dawg, we heard you like wood so we replaced your hood with wood so now you can drive around your hood with wood for a hood.