Woodshop Tools/equipment

I’m looking to gather a collection of woodshop tools. Specifically I’m looking for a band saw, table saw, router table, dust collector, vise, clamps and misc. hand tools (planers, drills, etc…)

I’m not looking for the giant table sized machines, just some things to get a small shop started. Anybody who might have anything or knows someone who might be downsizing or selling off their equipment, I’d be interested in speaking with. I would prefer to find someone that I could make an offer for a lot of tools that they no longer need/use.

Pm is probably best option.

CL! I’ve seen tons on there the last couple days while looking looking for random shop tools.

look at empire liquidators on on ebay. they are locate(pickup at no charge most times) and have great deals all the time if you dont mind bidding

cil auctions https://www.facebook.com/cilassetrecovery

Remember my smashingly successful tool sale? Still have it all.

More specifically, I’m looking for a drill press, table saw and band saw. Have any of these?

Funny i was just going to say he should see if you still had any tools. I LOVE the tools i got from you. Ive run atleast 6 boxes of nails threw the Battery Paslode I <3 that gun. I dont know how i lived with out it.
although everyone picks on me for the Laser on the circ saw… lol I kinda like it for ripping plywood.

I kept my other nailer. Sure are handy aren’t they?

For anything that you can’t find used, Phillips Brothers.



Making a little headway on this, thanks the tips guys! I’ll probably be grabbing a table saw and band saw today, those are my needs for now. I’ve put some feelers out to woodshop guys I know and some have mentioned that they have extra tools they would sell to help me get started.

CL and estate sales are a good option if you’re willing to put in the time and move quickly.

Put a nice dent in this last night and will be meeting with @1QIKZ this weekend to scope out his tools (giggity)

Guess you won’t be buying my drill press then.

I didn’t assemble it yet, could return it if yours looks like I something I want. Is yours a floor or bench press?

I have a like-new dewalt double compound miter saw I might consider selling. I have to think about it though.

As an amateur woodworker/furniture refinisher, I’d like to make a recommendation on dust collection.

Get a dust separator for the shop vac. You’ll never have to clean the filter again, and you won’t ever have to deal with a loss of suction.

I picked this one up recently, and it’s amazing what a great job it does, even on drywall dust. It kills me that I didn’t buy one sooner.

I’m going to make you sweat it out till Saturday.

Thanks for the tip, I have actually been looking at that setup. I plan to run pipe to all my different stations and I tried to buy a bigger vac so that it could be powered across the room with the other ducts closed. Since I’m doing this in my basement, I know dust is a big deal. I don’t have forced air, so I’m lucky there, but I def want to contain the dust.

      • Updated - - -

you’ll have to let me know what time. I have an appointment to get my truck inspected at 11 AM and then I’ll be at a gun raffle around noon in Strykersville. That runs until 5, but I can scoot out when ever to make it down to your shop.