woot just finished a gentoo install

on my work machine. i talked the owner into letting us move all the computers (50 or so) over to nix.


the only bad thing is it compiles X specifically for each machine. so it runs awesome, but takes a day to install. lol

is gentoo heavy on the command line stuff? ive been looking for a linux to run on my machine but dont wanna have to learn oodles of commands and shit. I know im spoiled by windows. any suggestions? hows gentoo?

interesting… tell me how your buisness copes with it… I predict a return to windows in 2 months or less…

i dont think it will be an issue. i have a handful of users that will need to stick with window. mostly the marketing people. everything else is already done over over securecrt, and this will keep me from having to clean spyware off computers every other week.

as for a none command line heavy nix. not gonna happen with gentoo. sorry.

I would defniately stay away from Gentoo if you are afraid of the command line (infact I wouldn’t reccomend Gentoo to anyone). Try the Ubuntu LiveCD and see how well that works. If you like it you can install it to your HDD (not sure if you will need to download another ISO, or if you can install it from the LiveCD).

its not all that bad… but it does take a LONG ass time for it to install. even with the packages cd it takes like hours for it to install/compile X/KDE. but its really fucking fast when its done. lol

yeah i got a buddy at work that runs gentoo and he said the same thing. i wanted to try out sun JDS but that shit is expensive, 100 bucks a yr. might be going with ublinux, through UB obviuously its based off redhat. Or i might upgrade my system and go with SUSE. but that shit is slow on an older machine

My problem with Gentoo is that I don’t notice any performance increase with the extra compile options. i386 packages feel just as fast as fully optimized packages, and even in benchmarks Gentoo shows no noticeable increase in performance against a distribution like Debian or Mandrake that uses precompiled packages. When I want a package installed I don’t want to have to wait hours/days for it to compile. I enjoy being able to apt-get install <package> and have it working as soon as it is downloaded and unpacked.

so i would assume that ur a systems admin where u work zer0daze? the people at the office are all comfortable with the linux setup there? and using the command line?

Once you get used to the command line alot of operations are actually easier than using a GUI.


But 99.99% of the users don’t know anything but GUIs

jack hit the nail right on the head, if ur whole company is running gentoo now, i think ur gonna have some unhappy users who have no idea wat the fuck theyre doing

agreed. but if they arent fukking idiots then they should be able to adapt pretty well.

Gentoo is the shit! I have been running it at home for the last 4 or so years. Once you get to know the system and your hardware you can make it extrememly fast. Yeah emerging the system takes forever, but after that installing separate packages isnt a big deal/time consuming. imo its worth the wait anyway.

for the beginners ubuntoo or knopppix is a great place to start/learn. But for anyone who knows a little about linux id reccomend gentoo. Just installing it using the handbook you learn alotta things.

why would they use command line? kde will be on all the machines.

you dont think i am surfing nyspeed with links do you?