Word on supreme court ruling?

Plain and simple- these bullshit laws DO NOT STOP THE CRIMINALS! All they do is make it SAFER for the CRIMINALS to do their thing. Why do you think DC has so much crime? No criminals are afraid of getting shot for doing anything to its people!

These politicians live an fantasyland, and all of these laws are just another form of control- that doesnt work, as usual.

I cannot wait until my pistol permit shows up, better get it now before I wont be able to get it after these morons slice up the constitution a little bit more…

Banning assault weapons is a close second to these BULLSHIT handgun restrictions. Banning a weapon based on the way it looks? Give me a fucking break. You arent any less dead being shot with a an AR-15 that has a collapsible stock than you are being shot with one that has a regular stock! knee-jerk “scary looking gun” bans, and nothing more.

Here is just another example of our politicians at work:

“Every year the New York State Assembly passes many “gun control” bills including ones that would change the definition of ‘assault weapons,’ storage and trigger lock laws and require ballistic fingerprinting of all firearms. These bills, however, never pass in the Senate. New York’s ballistic fingerprinting program called CoBIS is required for all new handguns sold in New York State. The CoBIS program started on 3/2/2001 and after 6 years almost 150,000 handguns have been registered in the program but with only 2 “hits” and neither one lead to any arrest or conviction. The program has cost between $13 and $28 million dollars and used more than 450,000 New York State police man hours.”