Word use

Who gets to use certain words… I was called a faggot in another thread and I was wondering if it was still not ok to use that word. Please clarify vlad.

That was discussed with staff.

Rules stay.

Stop acting like a child.

How am I acting like a child… simple question.

So faggot can now be used?

A faggot is great for starting fires.

oh boy

Fucking dimwit crybaby

Not crying at all mr drift… just asking questions

Why you so mad? Sit back an enjoy my threads, I’m here for you.

You want me to censor more words? You guys clearly don’t get that I don’t want offensive language used here.

If you can’t be witty or funny or constructive then your posts aren’t needed. Stay and lurk.

If your going to ban us for using certain words then yes, censor them.

:rofl @ Mr. Drift

Just to hear you bitch about it and circumvent it?

Ive seen “faggot” be used many of times and people do not get banned ? So whats the deal ?

Id bitch much less about censored words. In all honesty… if those words piss you off sooo much, why haven’t you censored them, that way you don’t have to see them?

imma start bitchin!!! faggot offends me! :frowning:


Soooo annooyyiinngggg.


I heard it was okay to insult dimwitfaggot members.

It’s not.