Hi, I drive a vary clean t-top 87 mr2. Im from Roclife.
…yup thats about it.
welcome, got any pics of the car?
also there is my old civic.
whats up mang
nice welcome
Welcome Aboard
Nice car dude, bring it up to Buffalo, we got a decent MR2 group here.
I live in buffalo, and I would love to meet some of you MR2 freaks
is this eli?
Honestly man, PM me, it would be the jam to meet up with another MR2 owner.
in less than 1 season three mr2s have left the area!
I can see alot of Roclifers coming aboard very soon since the site got hacked.
Welcome aboard.
It would have been a faster turnaround if the site owner wasn’t on vacation when this occoured. It took some social engineering to regain access to the portions of the site that were hacked.
nice job on that BTW. :tup: