Words you keep spelling wrong

I have been sending emails all morning and a word spell check keeps getting for me is:


spellcheck is wrong


the way i always try to spell it is expierance.

problem now isolated


In the past, i commonly typed “alot”

Also, another one i used to spell ridiculous as “rediculous”

EDIT: he wasn’t asking how to spell it, he just wanted us to mention some words we misspell frequently.

i used to forget the last e in definitely



Which I keep constantly misspelling.



Which I keep constantly misspelling.



all of them. i suck at spelling and typing

grose and gross…

fagot with one g, it catches it most of the time


fagot with one g, it catches it most of the time


i didnt know that was in the dictionary. lol



Which I keep constantly misspelling.


X2…that last “e” gets me everytime :lol:




I screw this one up so bad spell check doesnt even recognize it

affect and effect.

liquor… On my cell phone it takes me like 5 or 6 tries to get it right…

I and A


I screw this one up so bad spell check doesnt even recognize it


LOL me too… it always tells me to add some Y or someting.

I always type to fast and mess up THE, it always comes out teh.