For Janny <3

Preface: I work at a place that takes ads for various newspapers, we are basically an outsourcing agency.

Today my co-worker took a call from a customer who was furious that her ad was running incorrectly. She had placed an ad for designer handbags in the Miami Herald, and called screaming that her ad was misspelled, and causing its lack of success. She claimed that “designer” was spelled totally wrong. Ok.

Co-Worker - How was it spelled mam?
Lady - “d-e-s-i-g-n-e-r”
Co-Worker - umm thats right actually
Lady - no its absolutly not, its supposed to be “d-e-z-i-n-e-r”
Co-Worker - is that a brand name?
Lady - no its how its spelled, cant you get that through your head?
Co-Worker - umm no its not, unless its a proper name, its spelled designer.
Lady - well you’re clearly not educated, because its spelled deziner
Co-worker - M’am im actually in Grad School for English, im pretty sure I know how to spell it…



mildly amusing…

omg … reverse look up of her phone number and erase that woman … and her children off the map …

ive never seen anyone misspell that word and not realize its misspelled

ok…i missepell alot of things but damn thats just funny.

Thats probably what the crackhead she bought it from had on his sign on the corner




it’s a paradox of sorts, or at least an interesting phenomenon: unintelligent people are completely unaware that they’re unintelligent lol.

i think i say something similar to that aloud just about… everyday.

that along with ‘education is not a replacement for intelligence’. this statement being directed toward one of my co-workers.

below are some examples of her extensive vocabulary and command of the English language:

supposedly = supposably
umbilical cord = unbillable cord
acquired taste = required taste
primates = primeapes
library = libary
reimbursed = reinversed
all inclusive resort = all exclusive resort :confused: (so… there’s nothing included? lol)
especially = expecially

this is a supposedlyeducated woman’? :rofl:

those are just a few examples that i can think of off the top of my head and there’s many more where those came from.
lol what a joke. :smash2:


she makes Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey look like geniuses!

not starting shit, but this is funny.

got a cheating Vanna White right there! Just GIVING that person all the missing letters FTW.



Haha, it’s so funny because there are so many people like this in the world sadly. :lol:

Newman didn’t want to start shit, but I do, damn it!!! :wink:

1.) misspell - (how ironic is it to misspell that?)

2.) a lot - it is a “lot” of something, where lot is the quantity. You could say “I misspell a ton of things,” same effective meaning. I used to get this one wrong, too, but once you realize what you’re saying, it starts to make sense.

I won’t go so far as to deal with your missing apostrophe for the contraction of “that is.”

I just brought my dog to be neutered, and the post-operative instructions have all sorts of misspellings. One common one: “ect.” instead of “etc.” That one drives me nuts, because you KNOW the person who typed it that way must pronounce it wrong, too. It’s etcetera, not eckcetera. I think this is another case where once you know how to say it properly, you’ll abbreviate it properly.

They also spelled “gradually” wrong. At first it seemed like a simple typo, but they spelled it “gragually.” The G isn’t next to the D, so I think they feel that their 2nd G is a soft G, which I suppose would sound like gradually.

A girl I work with pronounces this symbol * as “asterick.” For those who don’t know, it’s spelled out as “asterisk,” and pronounced how it looks. It ends with the word “risk,” not “Rick.” He’s a Mod who may take risks. See how it all comes back to NYSpeed?!

^ my hero! lol

:roll: please read zerodaze’s post on pointing out grammer mistakes… TAKE IT TO PM’s… christ

I’ve never seen as many people that compare dick sizes with grammer as I do on here…

don’t forget
all intents and purposes = all intensive purpoises

haha designer is one of those words that looks funny spelled any other way. i mean christ, i say liberry sometimes instead of library just to sound like a 2 year old jokingly. but christ anyone who does that seriously is retarded

It’s like that commercial “French Benefits”

If you spell incorrectly on the internet it makes you look like an uneducated simpleton. Spelling is one of my biggest pet peeves. I can’t take anyone seriously that spells as bad as some people do on here.

/the teacher in training :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha i forgot about that, good call there