For Janny <3

I tend not to care how I spell, online. Since I am generally typing quickly and tend to just ignore other errors, since I can read through them.

Typing like Nick pearl is one thing, a few misspellings is another.

This thread is ABOUT grammar and spelling. :gotme:

i’ll actually admit that i’ve been saying that incorrectly until you posted that. wow thanks - now i won’t sound like a fucktard :tup:

Link to said post, please?

I’ll make it easy for you…

Keep grammatical corrections to PM’s.

JEG’s inbox will be extended to 9334860982642563412616164 messages.


Thanks. Forgive me for all my in-thread comments on grammar and spelling. I’ll probably just keep it to myself, and be a better person for it, I suppose.

HAHAH You spell delete with an A XD

Huh? Andy? Is that you?