Work, and Days off question?

So I work out in Arcade. I don’t know if I really can afford a day off, but there are “No Unnecessary Travel” bans through pretty much the whole way I need to go to work.

And I really don’t want to drive through hell. The snow has seriously letup, but the winds have picked up bigtime and my drive goes thru one of the worst White-out zones in WNY. 2 miles, hilltop, north-south with no trees in Colden.

What the hell is one supposed to do?

man up.

go back to bed

Use a vacation/sick day or go to work. Driving through snow is part of living here, especially if you live or work in the southtowns.

Call the office and see what they are doing

Post about it on the internet.

lets see…“No Unnecessary Travel Bans”
seems to me, work is “Necessary”

do the math?

Hhaa, maybe I’m juszt fishing for someone to give me excuses to NOT go to work. Lol.

Since I love driving in snowstorms.

if you have sick/vacation days… hell…might as well use one… and what better day to use it than a monday :slight_smile:

take the word sick… rearrange it a little bit… throw away the c and voila now you have a valid SKI DAY enjoy

Depends on what you do for a living and how much you make.

Any part time, under $10 an hour job = Fuck that noise.Unless you need the cash to survive.

this is true, but to counter, if he works sales, or something that invloves ppl coming to buy shit, they will not be coming. sooooo

Fuck that noise?

wheres the saying from?

oh yeah, stay home. Even though its now 2pm and you should have figured it out by now.

i hope you chose work :slight_smile: driving to and from is horrible weather is fun.

i play hide and go seek with cars during white-outs.


Buy a BIGFOOT and just mow through traffic/weather.