WORK Meister S1 17x9 + 18x10 STAGGERED RARE SIZING


you have way too many wheels dude

This is just the beginning hahaha/ Id start off with the baller ones (some of them) first.

Fuck I wish I was not poor. These would look amazing on the white vert. glws

By FAR my favorite wheel…wrong sizes for my car…GLWS.

Would look cool on my s2!! Except staggered! And I’m pooooor







best looking wheel ever made.


Man i didn’t even see these. I just got in my set of 17x8 +35 17x9+37 in the same color lol. 10s would have been much more dope!

edit: nvm i think i did, i think i didn’t pm you because they were 17/18. GL ! Sick wheel for sure