Working On Turkey Day, check in?

So who else is? Holiday pay is nice, but first year ever i am missing football and food with my parents… damnnn and this year my mom is doing a deep fried turkey…

In. :frowning:

cya soon hunny. ha

i requested to work…yay…


im working…

just got back :frowning:

^^ early shift? dammmn

no thank god. thank GOD.

i could of worked for about 20-min today which woulda saved me about an hour tommaro but i dident get up :frowning:

thank the lord im not working though!

Well, I didnt get to leave Ft. Benning, if that counts as “working”.

iam not but poor bsp tc because i made him stay put till 4am

Im working from home woo woo fixing a qmail server.

you’d be surprised how many people actually call in for tech support on thanksgiving this is retarded… go eat food drink beer and watch football. its the perfect holiday.

im stuck in ohio for school i have e z mac for my dinner

9-5 gobble gobble motherfuckers!!!