Working with a buncha females aint so bad...

They bring in this sort of stuff for me to eat after lunch
my phone sucks, i know, im gettin a new one soon. but in this pic we have a straberry shortcake with as Stewie Coooo Hwhip :thumbup

That looks like poop with cottage cheese on top.

do not want.

ahem! strawberry poop! get it right! :lol

I work with a buncha women too. We always have this kind of stuff as well. I know how you feel.


They always have like deserts around too, its quite nice. i maen workin with a buncha dudes is fun, cuz u can make all kinds of obscene and lewd jokes and whatnot, but damnit, i like deserts every now and then yanno? so …i got a plate full and went back to my desk to much heh

Well the other people in my division are two guys. My manager is a woman who sits with the help desk folks across the room. They are the ones who mostly have women and do all the cooking. Us guy in Desktop have a blast.

Rubber band shootouts, watching YouTube clips/full movies, playing horse outside (I’m icing my right elbow cause I wiped out on a drive to the basket and messed up my elbow - dress shoes + rain don’t mix), etc.

hahaha. nice nice. i have an attractive boss :smiley: i lucked out.

Ha my boss is pretty attractive too for being 42 (we share the same b-day 20yrs apart). She’s cool as hell to. We only get 30 minutes for lunch here but she lets us do 1-1.5hrs.

She’s one of those people that as long as our work done and she looks good and we aren’t being too bad, she’ll let it slide. I love working here.

exactly the same situation here. older VERY attractive lady. super kool with most things as long as i do my job and do wahtever she says.

I work with a bunch of females too with the exception of 3 other guys. Sucks when they pull that shit when you are on a diet.

“No that seriously looks fucking amazing, but I cant eat it at the moment!”

And they just force it on you!

haha, im ok with eating carbs, its all good!

Yeah I’m cool with carbs too lol just not those kindsa carbs when your neck deep in a diet that was actually working.

im not on a diet, but i watch what i eat. i cut out a lot of the fat and sodium and potassium and most of the protein.

I eat whatever whenever.

I’m 5’11", 193lbs and 22. I started here at like 5’9", 160lbs, and 19. lol.

I am drinking at least a liter of water per day now though. I used to just drink soda. It seems to make me feel better, clear up the skin, and my weight has been steady at 193 after hitting 196 a few times.

I heard somewhere that some hunger desires can be mistaken and are actually thirst desires. Drinking water takes care of that, therefore you eat a little less.

i used to eat anything and everything i found, but not as of the last 3-4 years

same here, I was 5’9 and 270 leading a pretty active life so that gives you an idea as to how much I was eating lol.

Now Im 177 trying to hit 160-165.

im 6 foot 2 inches and about 195-200lbs.

Damn son. Youz a big ass Russian. lol.


We ALWAYS have stuff like this. My boss cooks alllll the time & brings it in! (although in no way shape or form is she attractive…sorry boys)
& Ilya your brother is always right here in my dept if Sharon brings in food!

Lol. That’s my boy. lol.