Working with a buncha females aint so bad...

My dept is the 1 dept at this place that has food like 24/7

Although today someoone brought in “Seaweed Wraps” which no one at all has touched, not even Todd & that says a lot!

lol. Those sound tasty…


That must stuck for the person who made them. “No one likes my cooking?”

Shes a strange one that only shops @ the Albany Health Food Co-Op so I dont think she gives a shit what we think. lol


You should see the birthday cakes they have here for people’s birthdays. SO GOOD!!

Word I got sent out in the work van a couple weeks ago to go to hannaford to buy this lol:

Occasionally we’ll have cake or one of those big cookie cakes for somebody’s birthday but that happens rarely. They dont even do it for everybody’s birthday.

Ive never gotten a cake or cookie for my birthday and Ive worked there over 4 years.

lmao that sucks.

I had a welcoming cake and a birthday cake thus far. Plus cakes for everyone elses b-days.

Primaloft ftw!

Yep, cutting out protein is a great idea:banghead

Nah, I didnt cut out all of it. I actually talked to a dietician at my nephrologists office and I’m following what she told me. I’ve been eating like this for about 2+ years and my weight has been stable, so it’s fine. I’m not trying to gain or lose weight, I’m not trying to bulk up or anything. I just maintain.