Worst experience of my life


Word has it that Paul drunk drove in his driveway this morning, taking out an F-150 mirror in the process.

I havent had a beer since last Sunday and that didnt occur in my driveway.

All because of snow and a POS Dodge not starting.

Remember that fat wrestler from the 1980’s named Dusty Rhodes? Man he was a piece of SHIT!

myself and tdi logik went to HS with her

some of this shit this girl posts on facebook for the world to see it hilarious.

some of her status’ in the past few weeks, keep in mind she is also underage too.

“Drunk with the crew you know what it is”

“Drugs alcohol money sex yah digg??”

“two hydros and a couple bowls then time for bed.”

“bout to smoke then take a nap not feeling too good :(”


“Time To Smoke!”

''i reak of dank bud and massive amounts of alcohol i’d say it was a good night"


Classy chick.

come on man… you make similar posts on here :rofl

That little ______ needs to be _____ in the ______.

notdadz picks winners

im kidding adam but for real cmon dood

Cockgobbler… Fucked… Ass

For lulz, not srs. Facebook is srs.

C’mon, mane.

cobaltss.net is srs

Cobalt buddiez are definitely srs.

Who’s the chode trying to get his pp wet by telling her about this thread?

come onnnnnnnnn its justin . he loves the leftovers . now he wants a notdadz creampie

Since the damage has been done already, why are there no pictures posted?


theres some on her facebook wall. Link on first page.

I don’t understand why people feel the need to post anything about there personal lives on here lol. In fact, the last place I would tell a story about possibly contracting AEDS is shift.

And for the record, I find it ironic that 99FRC, the tell you what you did wrong guy, the my shit doesn’t stink guy, had this happen to him. I mean really, you couldn’t tell by looking at 1 of the 45 facebook posts she makes per day?