Worst experience of my life

hahaha wow just saw her facebook she looks like a skitzo from 10 miles away

good to hear u didnt get married

LOL I’d do her. Who cares?

seems like the kind of bitch that would key your car at 3 am and then break into your house and light it on fire

Your dick.

She’s fucking 19-20 years old, there’s no way she can have the pussy of a 40 year old unless she is in fact fucking guys who are 40+ years old. The lack of maturity I’ve seen just from her quoted FB posts leads me to believe that simply isn’t the case.

Wrap it and POUND AWAY.

it’s all good, but my wife was looking at me kinda funny because I was doubled over laughing

dude 20 year olds can be way more contaminated than 40 year olds.

This bitch is probably like sticking your dick in a sewer.

We’re all going to die next year anyway.

haha word

Well if this is the worst experience of your life, youre lucky. I have a similar story to 97cavy, but I wont go into detail here. Never getting married.

Never chase girls chase dreams first


Unless you’re chasing a sugar momma.

I don’t tend to judge people based on their social network profiles, so I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe my dick was doing more of thinking in this case, which is highly possible. I’ll admit that somewhere along the lines I had a sever lack of judgement in this situation.

And I may state my opinion and be a tad outspoken but anyone on here that knows me also knows i’m man enough to own up when I make a mistake.

“Drunk with the crew you know what it is”

“Drugs alcohol money sex yah digg??”
this actually made me facepalm

^ Sounds like Kramer lol

i really dislike when people talk like that, that and “sippin sizzurp” or “ya herd?” ugh!

People that type/talk like little girls, need to suffer.

EvEr SeE WhEn PeOpLe Do ThIs ShIt? makes me angry

I just caught dyslexia.