Worst experience of my life

Strong post.

Paging CFD. :rofl

<3 you Dan. :rofl

fucking hate it when that happens

Everytime? :lol

Not every time, but it depends. Things got a mind of its own.

I once passed wind mid intercourse and laughed my erection away.

that sucked



At first i came in here and was all like “WOULD SMASH”

but then i was like “WOULD STILL SMASH”.


^ Wayne :rofl

First I was like: :lol

then I was like :rofl:lol:rofl:lol:rofl:lol and crying out loud!

LOL @ all of this. Maybe next time you should take someones FB past into consideration, just from glancing at her wall you can tell she is trouble. Also with any girl who looks/dresses like that in her profile pic it should be pretty much be common knowledge that she is looking for attention from guys and is getting it in every hole possible.

Gotta disagree, i know a whole pile of girls that dress like they shop at slut-o-rama and those bitches prude as hell.

I dont see a problem with this? :wierd



if the girls that Look innocent and cover all their shit up that get pounded in every hole behind closed doors and love every second of it…

Regardless of how she dresses, the fact that she posts updates like that indicates that she’s a grade A piece of trash.

I want a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed