worst video ever!

I have no idea why this is on the wrecked blog http://www.wreckedmagazine.com/watchvideo/cellblock-d-event-in-british-columbia-at-agas but this has to be the gayest vid ever! apparently these guys think the cooler they look, the more ghetto their cars are and the more stupid panning and cut scenes they put in their crappy vid the better they drift lol… FAIL! … EPIC FAIL!

you mad?

Easy king know-it-all. The video is about being relaxed and having fun…don’t like it? Oh well.

On a side note, I spy with my little eye mr crown.

I like that r32

x2 as well as the ae, I’m not sure what you hated so much about this video, mad chill from my point of view

Plus it’s winter … Ovbiously they aren’t gonna be rolling in freshly painted whips


max hate.

lol well if you like nothing going on in a vid then watch on

yea… that would be stupid.

i thought it was pretty shitty too tbh

drifting videos are like tweets, they can be really great, or they can suck shit and you wonder why someone even bothered.

Just looks like a bunch of guys having fun… Editing is a bit much, but other then that.