Worth it or not?


I got ti for 200 bucks shipped. Think it,s worth it?

Looks like a good deal I am not a fan of IBM but still good deal


you getting a powertuner?

cool,no tuner yet :frowning:

looks like a decent deal

cool,just amking sure,200+10 for shipping and a s/c pulley nad radar detector…so all in all about 250-260 total. Just looking to browse the net on it and d/l songs and burn cd,s/watch videos on it

I got ti for 200 bucks shipped. Think it,s worth it?

Depends what you are going to use it for

Just looking to browse the net on it and d/l songs and burn cd,s/watch videos on it

may need a little more RAM to make it run smooth while watching movies, but other than that, good deal

Yea i agree you might want to take it up to at least 512. to not have skipping in the movie or lagg.The only thing that will be pricey if you do buy it is getting the new ram installed since its a labtop

I play games on this pc was completely built when i got it. it only had 512 ddr2 ram and now its for 4 gig but since i got on board video it takes away from that.

I,ll use it for now and see how it works,i,m actually on it right now so we will see how it goes,if i need to i will upgrade. :boink