no offense. i dont hate your car nor am i dogging it. but really? what on earth makes you think you can get 12k for a 5 year old scion
I don’t think he’s being judgemental. 9% is a terrible rate for a used car loan.
You can’t say that as truth, you should realize that. You can say repair costs are covered, but trust me you are paying for them.
You can’t even say it is more convenient when a new car breaks, it’s not.
edit:as far as point one, I made an example including shop rates. You still win taking it to a shop.
Yes, you can.
I would think that major failures occurring due to lack of care/abuse of a car would be just as likely to occur under warranty as out. If the car doesn’t fail by 100k, it probably won’t before 200k if properly treated/maintained.
Cars that have problems from the get go, generally continue down that path. You can’t count having to do ball joints and tie rods on a used car against it since many new cars need these parts replaced while still under warranty, and due to the fact that they are wear parts.
I’d like to see this statistically. I know that getting a brand new car means you haven’t gotten something abused or ill maintained, but it also means you could be getting a lemon.
You can control for maintenance when buying used by looking for records, as well as controlling for a lemon the same way. A comparison would be interesting if they controlled for this the same way a buyer would.
Moving parts and/or some parts exposed to the environment have a finite life. When you start with part of that life used up, that part will need to be replaced sooner than if you started with none of that life used up.
I’m done here. I wouldn’t stop and talk to a babbling idiot on the street. I don’t know why I do it here.
This is the weakest argument I have ever heard for ANYTHING, EVER
That’s what Nada lists the resale value at. Granted…I know that doesn’t mean I should expect $12k…but that’s where I pulled the number from. The car is like new and has 25,000 miles.
I called him judgmental for saying i was clueless. The car was 8 years old when i got the loan, if my car was a 1999 instead of a 2000 i wouldnt even of been able to get financed. The older the year of the car the higher the interest rate you have to deal with. You can’t expect a 8 year old car to get the same interest rate as a 1 year old car, or brand new car.
How do you people not see what some people are saying here.
New) A new car more convenient. If it does fail it will still leave you stranded.
Used) If a used car fails your late to work, just as if your new car fails.
New) A new car is less likely to fail.
Used) My used car has been well maintained, and hasn’t failed me.
New) A new car has a lower interest rate.
Used) I can buy it with cash.
New) I’ll get exactly what I want.
Used) I might have to get a red leather interior and seamen in the back seat.
New) Pay close to MSRP
Used) Pay 75% or less of MSRP.
I will forever buy USED even if I have the money, because I am not a sucker. I also do not make $100 an hour yet so it is worth my time.
Plus I will always have way more then 2 cars for my wife and I. Right now I have 4 cars, 3 of those run great. :shrug:
How much experience do you have as a mechanic?
Aside from my own experience, I have several friends who have experience at dealerships and I really think you guys are giving new cars way too much credit. I’ve replaced many oem brake pads on cars with 20k, tires as well. New cars come with SHIT parts. Nothing feels more awesome than paying for a warranty, and paying to replace wear parts at 20k. You don’t get moog quality suspension parts on most new cars either. If a car has had it’s wear parts replaced with quality pieces, they will last sooo much longer than most oem pieces.
If a new car has several electrical problems at 20k, and another has never had any up to 200k, which one are you seriously putting your money on as far as which is most likely to have electrical problems in the future.
Corrosion is a big factor but can be controlled for by buying from the south. My roommates taurus has 170k and is only going into its 3rd buffalo winter. It has no rust, is practically spotless underneith including the factory exhaust/lines.
To me the best argument for new cars is they are not cosmetically worn.
John Calvin’s work could be applied to cars. I would rather know what I am getting, I buy used, and if I do get something with gremlins I can sell it in a much easier fashion, and not lose my fucking ass. If you get a shit car new, you are fucked. Used, not so much.
Kind of not on topic, but it is to a point
People who buy cars like a prius, or smart car to save money on gas…
Sure, you save money on gas, but You just got rid of your 2k car for your 25k car
It will be years before you see any sort of savings
That would be the only “argument” against buying a new car if you already have a decent older car.
i usually keep a spare car around. not anything special. just transportation if i have to work on my normal car. im actually looking for another one as i sold 2 cars to get my subaru.
I bought new, because I don’t want to look POOR.
for Deathproof
I often wonder why people say old used cars look poor. So when I drive my E30 LS1 powered M3 to work I look poor? Weak, used cars often have more class then new.
If I see a guy driving an old 6 series V12 bmw I think it is way more classy then an average new truck or car.
agreed, a nice condition well kept older car is more impressive to me than some car fresh off the lot that everyone has
edit: as long as its not like a 96 escort or something, im talking like a 95 ls400 or something
I have no idea what you are trying to say. Could have happened on a brand new vehicle , and then you have a warranty. But like I said, regardless, you already paid for that new engine. Plus she was driving it with a CEL and had no idea what was wrong, not the best strategy if you weren’t planning on buying a new engine.
Drivetrains usually, not always but usually, fail from a lack of care by the owner.
And buying a new Toyota is a great way to look banal, and definitely doesn’t prove you aren’t poor. Buying one is cash means you aren’t poor, but you are still banal.
The fact of the matter is, new or used, there is no way of telling when anything on the car is going to break. There are tons of used cars in tip top mechanical shape, just like new ones. You have no way of knowing when something will go, you just take the absolute best mechanical care you can. So whether you buy new or used, you pay for it when something breaks, and it is JUST as inconvenient when it does. It’s just more aggravating when you bought new.
what if its a mint escort gt with a ford probe turbo motor! :bloated:
So are you saying you would prefer a 1995 LS400 to the new model 2010 LS460?