Would you go in a...


my 2 cousins went in one 5 years ago, they both died when they hit an unexpected cold pocket of air and the balloon crashed.


lol at people thinking cold air will crash a hot air balloon

hot air ballons work because the air inside them is hotter, and therefore LIGHTER then the cooler air around them, a cold pocket would cause the balloon to rise if anything, because hot light air rises over cold dense air

now if they hit a pocket of incredibly hot air, then maybe, but it would have to be realy fricken hot, well past 250 °F, the surounding air would probably have to be well in excess of 300 degrees to have anything close to a “fast” fall from the sky

at the temperature, the heat will kill you well before the balloon manages to crash

luckily we dont have many 350° days around here :slight_smile: