wow, it comes in ones?

thats what happens when your worth a couple hundred million. :banghead:

The monkeys?

dead yourself :suicide:


The WTF IS THIS DOING HERE expression in that pic is great!


waiting to contract HIV from ur gf:grouphug:

(and no offense to ur gf, ur just a pickle-kisser, speaking of, hows mike?)

I like that term “Pickle Kisser”

If you think about it though… even if someone made $1,000,000 annually a $100 bill would feel like a $10 bill in the hands of someone making $100,000 annually.

Or, if you’re Diddy… who makes well over $1,000,000 yearly… that is like a $1.00 bill.

lol. quality.

You would, wouldn’t you?

I bet you are not really even racist, you could never say anything like that to any ones face.

You are just trying to rise out of people cause you are bored and lonely as hell. Why would you be trying to make fun of people who have more then you and act respectably?(not P. Diddy)

Every post I see of yours could be translated into LOOK AT ME.


LOL@ the pic :lol:

lol. im totally the most racist person ever. my roommate is black, SEVERAL good friends of mine are black and i predominantly listen to hip-hip music. but as a racist, i only do such things to make it look like im NOT racist.

hahahahah. wtf r u talking about getting a rise out of ppl? dave moffitt chimed in from nowhere to tell me to DIAF. he and his pickle-kissee mike deturck have aenimas up their ass(and apparently its cause of me) and when they give me shit, i dont take it.

oh and btw, LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! lol

Anyone notice the grammar fail of this picture.

“It comes in one’s?”






lol at the picture.

this has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with race, you’re an idiot.


i actually didnt think of race at all i was thinking it was a joke about how rich he is


yes^ sorry my spelling is a little off today.