wow, it comes in ones?



lol wtf

his fingernails look painted.

and LOL at pic.

I LOL’d hardddd!


I actually lol’d. That never happens.

Haha, I did too.

Awesome picture lol

lol so racist.

convo i had with my dad almost 10 years ago now while listening to p diddy’s public enemy…

dad-“you know why they just keep repeating 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ,1, 1.”
me-“no, why”
dad-"'cause we dont teach the monkeys to count any higher"
(he was still drinking at the time and was WASTED when he said this, i thought it was hilarious)

for reference: public enemy

How is it racist? Anyone who is rich would have made the joke. It had no reference to race at all. The whole joke is about him being wealthy and never seeing one dollar bills. Maybe your racist?

ughhh hereeee we goooooo


cause p diddy(is that still his name?) is black :shrug::banghead:?

i was wondering how long it would take to go bad.

this is nyspeed OT

even IN topic shit hits the fan in the first 10 posts

Don’t be such a fuck.

seriously. its a funny pic.

ON topic. not in. fuck

EDIT hes got at least 3stack in his lap. ugh

lol. excuse me for going OT in OT:spank:
