wow yellow cavi 1 cobalt 0

again back to the kitchen NOW

Please, do the world a favor and pull your lip over your head, and swallow.

He did block him in, and look what happened.


omg i wasnt tha close. erg ill take pics

do you even know who i’m talking to?

good job patroling this messageboard for “stupidity”, deputy dave.

find something else to cry about. better yet, here jerk off, you might unwind a little bit.

Ok Captain Cumquat, who the fuck else could you have been talking to? No one else made mention of blocking anyone else in, nor their experiences with douchebags who can’t park, minus The Russian’s post.

Care for me to explain? Fine, lets look at the post history then shall we?

First Reply:

Nope, nothing there, lets try the next.

Second Reply:

Another miss.

Third Reply:

Hey, we’re getting warm, but I already noted this post, and it still has nothing to do with your rambling.

Fourth Reply:

Once again, nothing. Noticing a pattern yet?

Fifth Reply:

Funny, but not relevant to your post.

Sixth Reply:
Cuz posting a huge fucking picture.

Seventh Reply:

Newman being, well, Newman.

Eight Reply:

Nitroinsane being, well, nitroinsane and not being able to understand anything.

Ninth Reply:

Explanation to the above user.

Tenth Reply:

Well I’ll be damned, we’ve come full circle haven’t we?

Now, in all that, tell me, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? There is hardly a mention of anything that you are eluding to. Good fight, good game, game over, I win. What’s the name of this game? I win. Yeah. Thats about right.

Oh, one more thing, its not hard to “patrol” for stupidity when you spam these forums all the time. So much for that NCCC edumacation.


this has gotta be the dumbest fucking thing to start a e fight over

lol how bout an e knuckle sandwich

that was the post i was responding to. i’m not e-fighting you, you’re just being a peice of shit for no reason. good job, you win, you’re the big man now.

wow. you get bent out of shape pretty easily for the internet. go sit in front of the TV and have a couple cold ones. :slight_smile:

Its not the internet, its the “person”.

I agree with you joe. I would have done the exact same thing… IF i had a POS beater that they could hit and I wouldn’t care. Infact if i did, I would have made sure to open the door to the line they were over and proceed to hit the car :wink:

What did you expect? Not to be a dick, but really?

Edit_All of you saying its ok to take two spots if the lots not full. Your morons, sorry, but you are. How do you know the lot will not be full the whole time your in a store or whatever, then shouldn’t everyone just take two spots, I mean the lots NOT full, right. Just park far back in one spot. Seriously. If you don’t trust it in a lot, don’t drive it. You’re obviously baller if you think you neeed two spots, drive one of the other cars in your fleet to the store.

the whole lot consist of four parking spots and all the pumps were full