douche hits tC in parking lot, leaves

Yep, some scumbag decided to hit my tC then leave. I was in the Mall for all of 20 minutes getting my cell phone plan suspended for my upcoming deployment and someone did this. 20 minutes. wow.
In over a year of ownership this is my first mark on the car. Damnit.
I’m guessing itll be like $750 to fix, and seeing as I have a $500 deductible, its not even worth it to make a claim.

is that just the paint from said douche’s car? hard to tell from the picture, but i’m sure theres a pretty nasty dent there too. what an asshole that sucks. I’m sure that can be cleaned up significatly though.

Nope, no paint transfer… what you see there is the metal from my panel exposed… shitty Toyota paint. Its been THE major complaint I’ve had since I bought the car. Yeah, theres a good dent, but its not reall creased, its just flattened.

Was it massengil or Summer’s Eve?

wow sorry to hear, that really blows, people are assholes. I would pay the $500, just for the fact that its gonna rust very fast if not takin care of.

massengill* :wink:

and I’m pretty sure it was Summer’s Eve…

Oh, don’t get me wrong, Im fixing it ASAP, I just hate fixing other peoples shit. The money isnt the problem, its the principle.

hit and runs are gay

cameras at mall?

Nah, no cameras. Even worse is the fact that I completely detailed it like 3 days ago… claybar, polish, 2 coats of wax.

i hate people

tC is doomed! :frowning:

shitty. :tdown:

:frowning: aww poor tc

I can recommend 2 guys that pin pull that and do a nice job. PM if need be.

:tdown: shitty man someone hit my fender of my integra on two different occasions a month or two ago , both hits and run no notes nothing , people suck. Hopefully karma gets them back 10 fold.

my tc stays out at the end of the parking lot for this reason… sorry man

You sure that’s not white paint bro? I have seen shit like that actually buff out. I can see the dent you may be able to pop most of that out with a little elbow greese.

Good luck man. That is the suck.

Ill get some better pictures when its light out again tomorrow… I am sure that its primer and metal showing because I can see my paint peeling off and craking… the problem is that there is a like flat lip on the wheel well that is now inverted and I am pretty sure that I can’t get that properly formed myself by hand.

Anything can be repaired, it was a flat pieces of metal at one point in time before it was a fender. I use that example a lot to people but they never seem to grasp it without just shooting it down. I am 100% sure that I could bring that back into form. The only reason most shops don’t, is because the cost of a fender replacement compared to X amount of hours in labor to straighten it out never pans out in your favor.

Nonono, don’t get me wrong, I was saying that I personally, by hand, wont be able to get it right with any reasonaly amount of effort, haha. I’m not denying that it CAN be done.