Discuss how to fix.

It looks like a piece of cake to drop the bumper and get behind it to reshape the corner. Obviously the plastic bumper will just get sanded finer and finer until it’s satisfactorily smooth. How do I fix the corner without it blatantly looking like I fixed the corner? Sand, primer, sand, paint, wetsand, clear, polish? Where do I source the primer, paint, and clear? And everything else I’ll need?

Fucking broke my heart when I found it. Granted it’s a year and a half old now, but it’s still my “new” truck. Oh well, such is the life of a DD. I’m sure it isn’t the last ding.

that’ll buff right out

Sucks to see man. Sounds like your plan should be more than sufficient.

Any story to it or just a hit and run?

Sucks to see. I would recommend the color matched paint from autozone, but I am no expert so take that with a grain of salt.

its hard to tell… is that bumper painter grey or just plastic? any who just drop the bumper try and “push” the dent out from the back. Mud it up, sand it down a bit primer, sand it again,sealer,paint,clear,wetsand,buff

claybar both surfaces first… you’d be amazed what it will pull out. I bet it only looks 1/5 as bad after. It looks like a lot of the damage is foreign objects on the bumper and paint.

well it did split the paint on the bottom which will lead to rust…and in buffalo after a year will look horrible

whats your deductible… might as well just claim it on insurance

That sucks but it looks like a pretty straight up dent, no crinkling or anything so it should push back out pretty well, do that and sand the bumper and if its not perfect by then, it’ll be the kind of thing that will only be noticeable if you are looking for it in good lighting.

Ahh that dosnt look too bad, im sure you’ll be able2 clean it up with some sand paper, primer & paint.

that dent wont pull out at all w/o the use of a hammer. its on a corner as well as the bottom of the panel. which is usually a stonger portion of the panel.

so your gonna need some filler, sand, primer, paint and maybe pound the dent out as best you can and fill in the rest.

I found it washing the salt off a couple of weeks ago. Must have been a tap and go in a parking lot. The bumper is just plastic, it’ll look fine sanded smooth. Although I may do more harm than good if I try to sand it. It’d probably take a decent random orbital and a lot of time and finer and finer pads to keep it from looking sanded. We’ll see. It doesn’t bother me as much as the rusty gash in the metal.

I’ll pound it out as smooth as I care to. No sense in bothering with filler. The hard part will be making the primer/paint/clear feather in cleanly.

your going to fix it with no filler?!?

i would shy away from sanding at first. try a claybar and go from there. you will definately be able to tell it was sanded no matter how fine its sanded.

and with no filler. your going to have a hard time getting it to blend decently…i know from experience dude.

ya if you sand that bumper its going to look like ass honestly, and with no filler on the body its going to look bad as well, dont hack it if its a nice truck…

Uggh. Fine. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll pound it out, rough sand it to get all the rust off, then bondo and sand. Clay bar the plastic bumper.

Oh, and my deductible is $500. I could probably pay a shop out of pocket for less than that so no dice on the insurance claim.

Updated first post with more piktars.

ya for real thats not even like a $300 job, def dont do insurance

i wouldn’t even bother with the bumper

That’s what I’m thinking. Who cares if it has a scuff? It looks better than having what looks like a scuff that some hack tried to fix. :stuck_out_tongue:

Man I thought I was done with bondo when I sold my '92 F150… :roflpicard:

That sucks… First day I brought the Z to UB this year, parked in the far back corner with a large parking spot, still had a nice scuff on the drivers side door. Some people are scumbags.