Wreckless Driving Ticket

Like I said before the cop wanted to give us careless driving but the chief told him to give us wreckless so idk, but Im just hoping to get out of it peroid.

If you heading to Dalfonso than no worries, He will probly side with you anyway if you know him that is like my family does. plus i saw all the lights up at mcd’s cause i was at walmart and laughed my ass off.

I got hit with reckless and had it reduced to careless. I have a buddy who is a lawyer and he phoned the cop and asked if we could plea it down to something that didnt carry an automatic suspension. The cop agreed as long as I didnt have previous violations. So I would say unless you have a friend thats an attorney start calling around for one, or find someone who knows the cop and would be willing to ask him for ya, or last option call yourself and ask the cop if he would be willing to agree to a careless in court.

while you may not have been doing anything wrong, i hate to say it but you were just in the wrong place. I’ve seen so many ppl hanging out back there not doing anything but quite often i see someone who has to be stupid and pull a burnout or something. Thats what will get you, just because other people do it, they’ll assume you were one of the ones who do.

Plead it down and tell them you want to pay the fine and no points or reduced points.
they just want money, not your license. $300 is a bargain to keep the license active.

im going thru the same shit man…

some asshole decided to call the police and give them my plate number cuz i flipped him off when he was tailgating me and following me for about 7miles.

police came to my house and gave me a wreckless driving, too fast for conditions, and a lane change ticket… (guess the guy was making up stories to get me in trouble)
no cop was present and did not witness this. its complete bullshit…
i plead not guilty and the court hearing keeps getting postponed, its been postponed 2 times now… ( Isnt there a certain amount of times they can postpone it before it gets thrown out??) I’ve lost over $500 so far from lost hours at work over this crap

Yikes, why does it keep getting postponed? Weather?

FIGHT IT!!! If it were me i would do a few things. One i would get a lawyer b/c judges will respect a lawyer more than anything you have to say hands down. if you cannot afford one then at least take these approaches. First off always be polite and courteous and never think for a second that getting an additude in court is acceptable. even if you think the judge is against you always maintain your composure and second i would bring up the point that the person filing the complaint has to be there b/c you have the right to face your accuser in court. then i would say this situation is opinion based and in no way can the officer write you up for something a citizen saw without police presence. You could come right back and say you saw that same accusing guy smoking dope in mcdonalds parking lot and you want him fined for it. Just b/c someone complains is not enough grounds for a citation. the cop has to witness the situation in order to issue a summary citation. look into pa laws further and i think you’ll find that to be correct. i cant find it right off hand but im pretty sure thats how it works.

ps i just got accepted to Duquesne law school so its not like im an idiot talking outta my arse.

The1SloR/T dude thats more bullshit than mine! I feel for you bro! Thats seriously some bullshit! My hearing is on the 27th of this month. And Dappie thanks for the info Imma def be polite and Im a good speaker so I think im gonna choose some good words for these people! Worst part about it, I dont even think they will show up because they are TRASH! So its gonnna be nothing more than a day out of shcool and a waste of gas.

3 times they’re out

can the cops LEGALLY do that based on someones word? I mean, its not like THEY saw what happened so how could they possibly give you a ticket. Thats like me walking upto a cop and saying “this douche bag tryed to stab me” and they slap him with 20 years in prison for attempted murder…

Fight the shit out of that man.

first time was cuz the judge had to be downtown to sit in on a murder case, 2nd was he because he was "out of town… im glad he can just go on vacation and tell everyone else to fuck off… not one time did i get a paper saying it was postponed, i had to show up there and waste a day’s work

i know this

Now thats some shit. They didnt even tell you it was postponed. Well I have an update. I gotta go to Chrisner because Dalfonso is like my 3rd cousin and since the lady wants to testify I have to go to him.

I still don’t see how this reckless driving ticket is valid, The cops didn’t see you do anything first hand. So based off how this is working out for you, you should hypothetically be able to call the police on this lady and say she punched your in the face and even though the cops have no evidence of what happened, they should arrest her for assault.

This whole thing sounds fishy to me…I wish ya the best though man.

thats what i been telling myself and others…
dont know about Jper

Yea dude same with me. My gram like came to tears because she doesnt understand how someones word can go that far. Its fucked up how the system works. But I cant wait to see these peoples faces when he says “Not Guilty”

I was interested to know what ended up happening with this case? My brother was at Dalfonsos for a window tint ticket (Yeah, Rostraver and monessen both got new tint meters, they never had them before, now they are busting EVERYONE for it) and he said there was some people down there like that kid with that blue 3rd gen supra, etc… for wreckless driving. I wasnt sure if you were down there also?

Yep, it’s called filing on information recieved. It is still up to the discretion of the officer though.

had mine, guy never showed up and everything was dropped.
