wonderful day

I just have no luck…
but tell me how this is reckless driving…

I been working on my car at work fixing a vacuum problem. car had a high idle and rev hanged, plus it wouldnt go to 100% thottle.

so I finally think I fix it and I have to take it for a test ride. pull out of work on a main road and put it at 100% throttle, it worked. then just simply put it in 3rd, coasted and got pulled over secs later. cop was real nice at first and acted like he was going to give me a warning. comes back and gives me a ticket for reckless driving…

tried asking him how I was reckless in any way. he wouldnt hear any of it but said he would “work with me” when I request a hearing…

So is he just trying to scare me and drop it in court or what? I didnt even go over the speed limit.

excessive acceleration. ive seen it before. i guess its a wreckless driving. everytime a cop has said that they would work with me in court it was either totally dropped or reduced down to a careless driving 0 points and like 100 dollar fine.

shouldnt be testing your car on public streets he got you for what you did. hope he reduces it and you dont lose your drivers license for a little while.

So wait where you at 100% throttle in 2nd gear? I dont see how 25mph could be reckless??
But no were you actually speeding??

100% in 1st. I skip shifted to 3rd and coasted after i made sure it went to 100%


You were attempting to go fast in a dodge neon … If that isn’t reckless I dont know what is

Lol. If they don’t want to drop it, see if they’ll downgrade it to careless driving, or better yet, failure to observe.

cars weren’t meant to go 100% throttle, you were completely out of line

He was probably peeling out

in a neon?

no peel out or anything. just a quick up and go then coast

So you accelerated fast enough to draw attention but didn’t break tires loose?

Sounds suspect.

Full throttle to redline?

Full throttle to redline?

Full throttle to redline?

Full throttle to redline?

Whoa. Blackberry quadruple post. Fail.

100% throttle for 1 sec, it was like 3000rpm

Well not to bust your balls but your car fits into the stereotype of the young Ive got a loud 4 cylinder car and Ive got something to prove bracket. So even just 3000 rpms is going to draw attention. I would just fight the ticket admit fault in the court room and just plead it down thats the best your going to be able to do.

we care why?

Haha…excessive acceleration…in that pile…haha good one.

I agree they will drop the points and give him like a $100 fine. But at the end of the day no matter what bullsh it you spew out of your ugly face they will just hear blah blah…and think (which they will be correct) you are just another douche bag that drives a pile of sh it neon.

hope he does work with ya cause you lose your license now with reckless driving tickets. I got one but got it dropped to careless


Yup… 6 month suspension…

x2 my buddy just got his suspended for “excessive acceleration,” true he was in a geo metro thats flat black but it far from a dodge neon… so :dunno: