To teach a man to fish...

Interesting input everyone thank you.

MOst of what you are all talking about I was already thinking and have expanded upon but didn’t want to get too into detail on my first post. I just wanted to see the response first before getting carpal tunnel.

Here is what I am thinking.

  1. Courses will be designed and planned around specific aspects of the automobile. This includes basic repair, diagnostics, performance oriented work.

  2. Each course will be given a difficulty rating. Some courses may require you take the earlier one first. I know that everyone has a different level of knowledge and experience but like any classroom or training session this will be designed to be as universal as possible so that I can reach each student as effective as possible. So if there are parts of the course that you may already know it’s not a big deal you will breeze through them while someone may need a little clarification. My main goal is to provide each person with the same amount of knowledge and information based on nothing but FACTUAL INFORMATION. I will add in my opinions where needed or for humour but yeah the idea is to help those who have the will to learn succeed.

  3. I will stick to what I know best and will not try to teach things I do not feel I have a frim grasp on. Meaning I will not be preaching welding, fab and body work. Those things are skills that take TIME and lots of it to master. While a solid foundation of theory and knowledge helps guide you in the right direction, there is no replacement for experience. The aim of this idea is to guide you all in the correct ways of doing things. You may know how to X,Y and Z from trial and error, but ask yourself are you really doing it the way it was meant to be done? This may help you there. That is what I want to do.

  4. These classes are meant to be a fun and fulfilling experience. Not an actual college course. You will not get a certificate or anything like that, just a feeling of accomplishment and maybe some more self confidence. It will save you money in the long run most likely.

  5. Classes regarding performance work, model specifics and TUNING> could literally take an entire semesters worth of lecture to teach. For things like this I may have mulitple sessions for the same subject but that is all up in the air depending on how some of this goes. I would love to teach you all things like this…however keep in mind I can only pass on theory, how you use that theory is up to you. I can go over general principles but getting into individual softwares and the nuances of each is a bit over the head of what this course is aimed at.

  6. If I do commit to doing this, there will be a fee for the class. I will make an extensive lesson plan, course handouts and information etc and will do all I can to pass on information to you all. Designing a well rounded lesson that does not bore some and confuse others is not an easy task but I am kinda good at it, I’ve been doing it all my life training people.

  7. AWDrifter, lol, i’d hope not hahahahha

  8. Zong, I wouldn’t be angry, unless of course someone stole my tools. Then I would be upset but I don’t think anyone would do something like that. Anger is a good part of my character but it’s more lack of tolerance for the willingly stupid. I don’t get angry for no reason, throw tools, scream etc. I have a high tolerance for ignorance, and ignorance is what this class is all about and how to get rid of it. I will however be angry at you. You will have to sit in the corner with an auto x cone on your head. Long duck Zong.

The main thing again is this is to be fun, entertaining and educational.

ps. A course I PLAN on teaching is forced induction 101. Soo many noobs :stuck_out_tongue: I have to restrain myself when at meets listening to all the incorrect information people swear by. That is something I want to stop first and foremost. This is going to be fun