wrestling fans

there is some Bruno guy getting the key to the city. old wrestler or something… i can get his autograph if someone wants it :cool:

bruno sammartino

bruno sammartino > ragtop

get made out to my tag team partner john

ahh Bruno, hes been on Night Talk like every week for years… Hes straight old school.

Get one for me Sonny, make it out to DJ… you should know who im talking about lol.

:doh: :doh: he’s gone… he ate lunch and rolled… i’ll hook it up if i see him again. :slight_smile:

Bruno Samartino, the living legend. His parents live on dawson st in oakland. He’s a good friend of my family. I think he was like world champ like 8 times or something.

and they just gave him teh key to pittsburgh…

i’m surprized he didn’t already have it. My grandfathers brother was his best friend, they trained together. Basically he ate steak and pasta everyday. He was so diesel that he broke one of my grandma’s dinining room chairs when he came for dinner.

go figure…cutty a wrestling fan :dunno:

couldnt resist

Bruno Sammartino lives (at least the last I heard) off of Thompson Run Road in North Hills. My mom used to get baked with his neighbour.

ehh not really, i lost interest around wrestlemania 8. the best years for wrestling were 86-92. Its the most gay entertainment on earth now.


the last time I watched wrestling, Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon were having a ladder match for the Intercontinental belt.

why in the world would you ever say something like that on here. :wtf:


pot is pot… no big deal.

i’m keeping the flood gates closed on this one, do what u please, personally i like my self to much to do that shit. there is some foul shit dealers put on it to make it more potent.

embalming fluid???

i know a few dealers. i’ve smoked with different amounts of regularity since sixth grade. i can’t say that i’ve ever met a real pot dealer that was “shady”. there are plenty of punk kids who rip people off or lace their shit with rat poision, but a real dealer usually has some honour concerning his product.

as for putting stuff into your body? i think alcohol is much worse for you than grass.