Writers Guild Strike


Were going on day three here… I guess shows like S&R are even being affected.


So far not affecting any shows I watch. I heard two and a half men and deperate housewives were the first sitcom shows to run out of scripts.

Hopefully it’s resolved before it stops shows I like.

I can’t really take a side because I haven’t seen exactly what either side is asking for. In any event, I have a stockpile of backed up blockbuster online DVD’s, so when all the primetime shows I DVR run out I’ll just switch to movies for a while.

This could be the best thing to happen. Ever. I hope all these stupid sitcoms die. Crap though, this means more reality shows. We are doomed…DOOOOOOOOMMMMEEEDDDDD

they are going to make a reality show about writers not writing

i just hope they dont stop writing scrubs and heroes

I watched TV yesterday for the first time in about a month.

And it was “How it’s made”.

I’ve never seen or heard of some of the shows you guys are talking about :lol:


I can’t really take a side because I haven’t seen exactly what either side is asking for.


from what I’ve heard, the writers want royalties for shows sold online/vhs/dvd/ect.

apparently this was never in their “contract” as seasons of tv shows weren’t really selling until recently (last few years). They want a piece of the pie but they (the studios) don’t want to pay them.


from what I’ve heard, the writers want royalties for shows sold online/vhs/dvd/ect.

apparently this was never in their “contract” as seasons of tv shows weren’t really selling until recently (last few years). They want a piece of the pie but they (the studios) don’t want to pay them.


Yeah, but the details are what matters. Like how big a piece of that pie are they looking for.

Just like with GM, everyone has too much at stake to let this go on for too long.

any way you cut it this is going to suck…

This is what I found on it… apparently the want a larger cut on DVD’s and the same cut on online media (which it appears that they’re currently getting nothing for)

The key financial issue in the talks involves changing the formula for paying writers a share of DVD revenue, then applying the same equation to money made from material offered over the Internet and other digital platforms.

Studios, represented by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, are dead set against increasing DVD royalties.

Writers and actors have been fighting for years to reverse what they see as a huge mistake made at the dawn of home video, when no one was sure if selling movies on VHS cassettes would ever make money.

The unions agreed to ignore the first 80 percent of revenue from the tapes and later DVDs, assuming most of the money represented the cost of manufacturing and distribution.

Writers settled for just 1.2 percent of the remaining 20 percent, a figure that amounts to about 3 cents on a DVD that retails for $20.

Writers are now asking for their share to be calculated on 40 percent of revenue and argue the same formula should be used for digital distribution because studios have almost no costs associated with that technology.

Consumers are expected to spend $16.4 billion on DVDs this year, according to Adams Media Research.

By contrast, studios could generate about $158 million from selling movies online and about $194 million from selling TV shows over the Web.


great… heard on the news that tonight will be the last new episode of the office until the strike ends :tdown:

that effing blows


great… heard on the news that tonight will be the last new episode of the office until the strike ends :tdown:

that effing blows


Dammit, nooooo

Also, Jon Stewart said he’s going to have his production company pay the salaries of his writers and the writers of the Colbert Report for up to two weeks so they don’t go broke.

Nooooo all I watch is My name is Earl and The Office. Good thing sportscenter writes itself.

not having cable rules :slight_smile:

I hate reality TV. When I want to watch real people doing real things in real situations I leave the fucking house.

Quality entertainment is dying a slow death.