Sucks to hear Mike. I’ll grab my CPL in the morning and have a definitive answer for you, but from what I remember everyone in the car gets charged at first because the drugs were not on any actual person. As far as the wrong charges going to you because of admitting they were his from the get go, as mentioned, will get sorted out in court. I still think that it might not be so cut and dry with the pills however because he did not speak up that they were his from the start.
you need better friends.
So which nyspeed lawyer is going to court with him?
“But your honor, NYSpeed said…”
because sometimes they victimize other people in order to feed their habit?
HAH. Fail x infinity.
The cop had the right to search the car because the stems in the door gave him probable cause to search without consent. He also had the right to search the grabbable area around the people in the car. You would be surprised how much stuff I found in people’s cars that no one knew who’s it was or how it got there; even if I found it in their pocket. Everyone just gets charged then and the court will sort it out. Just contact the DA and have your friend explain that he is taking responsibily for all the stuff in the car.
a friend of mine foung a sandwich bag of coke in her car after she bought it last year. then this summer she had a bunch of people in her car, includingh er brother in the back seat.
apparently he was damn tired and laid his head on the top of the seat so he was basicly staring at the ceiling … and he noticed something poking out from under the headliner, pulled it out and it was a rather large kitchen knife, felt around a bit and there were 2 more up there
obviously the previous owners of this car just enjoyed doing coke and would never harm anyone over their habit, probably went to church every week. the knives were just for preparing food in the back seat
Quoting this for hilarity.
Use of scissors does not affect a persons judgment or otherwise alter/impair their mental abilities.
i have my cpl right next to me…
sounds like you got a straight (A) friend! driving around with a bong and other great objects to be arrested for. then doesnt take the complete fall till after its to late, when it was all his to begin with. a good friend would not have even let you get to the point where your in the cop car.
also sometimes when a cop messes up paperwork they throw the tickets out. did it have your name on the paper with his charges. i cant think of the words but if thats the case it should just get dismissed due to the cop messing up.
i had a ticket thrown out because the cop put the wrong section number for where i got pulled over.
You’re lucky then. I got a ticket that the cop messed up on, then sent me a new “corrected” ticket a few weeks later lol