wtb: 1G AWD DSM 5spd - Galant VR4

Sean’s isn’t that bad. Built motor running a EVO 16G is far from heavily modded. There’s still plenty left to do to it!!!

i’l take the evo16G in trade for my stock turbo setup, if you really want it to be stock.


i’l take the evo16G in trade for my stock turbo setup, if you really want it to be stock.


oh, i meant plus cash, a straight up trade for that would be rediculously unfair to you lol


Sean’s isn’t that bad. Built motor running a EVO 16G is far from heavily modded. There’s still plenty left to do to it!!!


That is a pro and con at the same time. Pro is I have good base to work off of, and only a few minor problems to contend with which is good. Also, a fair price. Yet, the Con is I really will start spending tons of money on the car if I get carried away which I will.

I need to shop around, which I have not really started doing yet.