WTB: 2.5" mandrel bends for intercooler piping

I don’t particularly care if they are steel or aluminum, so long as they are cheap. I’ve gotta get this intercooler in before the dyno day, otherwise it would be a complete waste of money.

So if anyone has piping, or knows of a place that sells it for a reasonable price, please let me know.

Thanks! :E

Warehouse services for walker mandrel bends and Gregg’s for nelson mandrel bends. I paid about 23.00 a bend.

Id that for a full U bend or just a 90 degree?

Id that for a full U bend or just a 90 degree?[/quote]
90 degree

Mopac is the same price and is a full u bend. There not stailess though but it will work just as good. Thats what I got for my bottom piping and im just going to paint them black.

Excuse my ignorance, but what is the difference between walker and nelson bends?

I think they are just brand names.

I bought the ones I used on Evans car at ABC Muffler. They were 180 bends, cost ~$35 each and were pretty long too. Mopac has this stuff also.

For couplers I bought the ones from Mopac. Not cheap, but they had an awesome selection of reducers and stuff in stock in a bunch of colors (red, blue, black). They were $25-30 EACH!

Jesus. Well I’m going to check out some places like Greggs to see what they have. I know I wouldn’t pay those crazy prices for the couplers. :o

Mopac seemed to be the cheapest from my past experiences. Like 23-30 per 180 bend. For couplers go to an irrigation shop and they will have nice coupling material that can hold like 2000psi. It is good stuff and is cheap. It only comes in Black unfortunatly.

I don’t really care what it looks like, just so long as it doesn’t leak. I wonder if I could just use chunks of heavy ass fluid transfer hose…they would probably work well. :E

We bought one of the Vibrant ones for my friend’s turbo Ranger, made life a lot easier, I’ve never seen something like it cheaper.