WTB: 2ohm mono 1000WRMS amp

yeah im in the market for a new amp. the audiobahn isnt putting out enough power for my L7. the audiogbahn is 800wrms and i want something 1000wrms or greater. the sub is an 06 kicker s12l7 with dual 4’s. i have a feeling it wants a better amp and the audiobahn is not wht its looking for. i want something kinda leet like the kicker zx1000.1 recomendations? im sure(hoping) ill hear something from nikuk on this one…

right now the sub is hitting 138.7 all day long. i want to be in the 140s somehow, i was told i need a differant amp. i believe i may be able to use the same amp but run a linedriver and dynamat and i should be able to coin a few dB.