WTB:: 3 inch hi-flow catalytic converter

Not much else to say aside from the title…

except maybe “in good condition, and please give me a good deal” :lol:

Oh, and I highly prefer if it’s flanged…

Thanks in advance!

If you go to your local PartSource, they have Magnaflow 3" cats for $79. It’s hard to beat that deal.

i have in stock.

magnaflow stainless.


flanged or unflanged? I don’t feel like going out to other places and pay extra for them to flange them for me :?

UNLESS YOU ORDER From PDM (200+) it is going to be really really hard to find one new flanged

I was hoping to avoid that too… they charge out the ass for those things.

ya you might as well get the cat for $80 get 2 flanges and then somsone too weld it up, it will stiull be a lot cheaper, I say not mroe then $150 Total