wtb 5.0 ford distributer

lmk if you have one

how r u checking for spark? if ur being hood and using a spark plug make sure your grounding the side of the plug to the block. u need to know the year make and is it a oem motor

screw driver inside the sparkplug boot. it had spark from the coil but not from the distributer

1987 gt 5.0ho i beleive its the stock engine

i owuld start calling the junkyards

jesus. A pickup coil takes a whole 5 minutes or less to swap out after removing the distributor.

Someone said you need a hydralic press to take it out.

ya the online tutorial and posts on the ford board made it seem hard to do and it said you needed a press in order to get it off

so you have not even looked at it? maybe pm bracket racer iam sure if u pull the distributor out(i have a hard hat if u need one) for some money he will change it

im not touching that car anymore that shits evil

i sent bracketracer a pm